How to Attract the Best IT Staff to your Business?
Finding the best IT staff for your company isn’t as easy as browsing CVs.
IT is the foundation that many good businesses are built on. Given that we live in a digital age, we shouldn’t underestimate their importance. If your tech or software isn’t working for you, it’s working against you… and if it’s working against you, it’s costing you production time.
Everyone wants the best IT staff, from superior project managers to the lowliest of technicians – we all want the cream of the crop. In the high end stakes of app development and website turnaround, this can lead to positions paying hundreds of thousands of dollars salary.
But paying those highflyers a high flying wage isn’t enough to attract the best. If you want to fill your businesses IT Project Manager Jobs with perfection, you need the right packages. Here are some of the best ways you can attract those highflyers to your firm.
How to Attract the Best IT Staff?
Here are some sweet package deals you should consider if you really do want the best of the best.
The Company Car
Issuing an allowance so that your IT execs can drive to work gives them all the more reason to pick your firm over someone else’s. Even if all they get is an allowance per year, this still allows them to show up in style. Some firms offer $5k corporate car packages, some offer $10k. It all depends on how many meetings your IT project manager is going to be attending. If they are representing you regularly, a corporate car is good business sense.
The Corporate Salary
Needless to say, that the best management require the best salaries. If you really want to compete with other places of work, keep those wages high and rising. A .Net developer can earn an easy £100k a year, so you have to give them a reason to stick with you.
The Pension Plan
As well as a top tier salary, your high flying IT managers are going to need excellent pension investments to keep them on your side. The more you can shower them with gifts, the more likely they will be to stay with your firm. Pension investments can make or break an employee’s loyalty. If someone else offers them a better retirement package, you can bet they won’t be staying around for long.
Holiday Packages
How many days of holiday do they get each year? Upping the allowance to the maximum possible can seem lucrative for those who want to take the time off to enjoy their new high salary. Throw in access to any international branches of the company if you want to sweeten the deal. A business trip to Singapore is made all the better if they can take the family and turn it into a holiday.
Last of all: Reward their Talent
There are too many head-hunters in the business world that seek out the best staff and then forget about them, once they are hired. Six months down the line they are working for someone 3else and you are in the same position you were before. Our last piece of advice to you is to reward your talent or risk losing it. It’s just good business sense.
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